MALE Juvenile Phiddipus Regius Jumping Spiders


My Regals are all CB/CR and socialized. I send out healthy and thriving Spoods from Mama's I have raised or aquaired through trades within the Jumping Spider Community. I stay small so that I can focus on the Jumpers I produce with details about each one. I have Peach phase and Dark phase Apalachicola locale variant Regals for adoption. I adopt beginning at instar 5,6, and 7. SHIPPING is based upon Zip Code so please ignore the below shipping rate. Shipping is via FedEx by Redline. The photo is an example of my Male from a Peach Mama. MALES ARE ALWAYS going to be black and white. Males are some of the sweetest Spoods and get overlooked due to the fact that there is not a coloration change as with females. But I can assure you that you are missing out if you pass up the boys!