My Story

This began as a hobby making arboreal enclosures. It then blossomed into a small adoption service after months of developing a relationship with a wild jumper I found in my kitchen window. (A Tan Jumper - properly known in the hobby as Platycryptus Undatus and lovingly named 'Wanderer')

Who would have thought?! Not me and certainly not anyone who knew me! I had been terrified of spiders for decades!

My fear quickly turned to curiosity and curiosity turned to watching for him to come out of a crack on my windowsill. Anticipating his visits became a part of my daily routine. His appearances quickly turned into admiration and admiration turned into love. I learned that he had just as much right to dwell within the place I called home, as I did. I looked for him every day as I stood at the sink doing dishes. 

Weeks had passed and I was no longer seeing my little friend. I feared he had wandered off to pass away and I missed him. Crazy, right?!

I went Jumping Spider silly and found an entire community dedicated to them. I had to be a part of it, so I adopted a Phiddipus Regius (Regal) and a Phiddipus Audax male (Bold).  After they arrived, I admit that I was leery. I never tried holding my house guest. We respected one another's space and he knew that I always had a meal and a spritz of water waiting.  

That changed over the first few months of being a 'Spood Mom'. Each day I went just a little further than the day prior in getting closer to handling the juveniles I had adopted. The two turned quickly to 18. Shelving lined my wall and became a loving display and Spider Safe Zone, filled with Fairy Garden gnomes and live plants! ~ The fear that was once crippling was no longer there anymore. I just permitted myself to trust and take small steps toward being comfortable. After many months and daily interaction, I realized I had fallen in love. I would spend hours watching each Jumper exhibit their own individual personalities. Each one different from the next! I began to anticipate what he/she may do each time I would bring them out. (Or each time I would sit and stare at their enclosure.) Without fail, I was tickled by the silliness and curiosity they would display. (Although there are a select few that do not like being handled and prefer to be eye candy instead) - I loved them so much that I wanted to experience having a clutch and watching the beautiful instincts the mother has and counting the days until the eggs grew legs... then finally, there were all of these tiny little vulnerable babies. Completely incapable of causing any harm at all, I grew more confident. I raised my first clutch and that's that! I just knew that whoever got my babies would think they were as precious as I did! 

I promised myself that I would never 'go big' and instead make a connection with the smaller batches that I keep. (If I have too many, I offer them to other hobbyists/breeders.) I wanted to make adopting easy, make myself available to answer questions, and keep it fun versus a 'job'. I want everyone who adopts from me to have a positive experience and want to come back! I place all of my effort into producing and raising, thriving and socialized jumping spiders. I breed one or two at a time so that I can maintain my ability to track their growth accurately, focus on their care, and get to know the people who choose to adopt from me on a personal level. 

I am so glad you are here! 

I hope you enjoy your journey!